Friday, May 27, 2011

The Shaping of Things to Come?

I'm reading this book by Frost and Hirsch, and they want me to embrace the roots of events like the Burning Man and the movie Fight Club. They want Christianity to be able to offer a greater adventure to people who have this kind of life and expression as a frame of mind.

Sorry. I'm just not buying it. Here's what these people need to do: they need to repent.

The Church's job is not to cater to the whims of an indulgent generation. The Church's job is to be the pillar and grounding of truth. Jesus said "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Rob Bell says that the Church has always been a reflection of the culture, and uses this as a justification to shift the Church into a post-modern paradigm. If we start "getting with the program" of the post-modern paradigm, then we would simply be falling into another kind of supply-and-demand consumerism. That's been the problem all along. The Church is too busy following the dictates of the current perceived culture rather than just obeying Jesus and doing what He said.

Here's a tid-bit for the Post-modern Emergent: The heady mucky-mucks in college campuses around the world have moved beyond Post-modernity. It's passe. It's already a dead philosophy. And once again, the Church is 10 years behind the times and still thinks its being hip and trendy by jumping on a band-wagon with no wheels.

The Church must be the influence for the World. Not Vice Versa.

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