Monday, March 24, 2008

Wagner's line of logic very disturbing. First, every Christian is a theologian, while some may have degrees. Also, to dismiss some theologians is merely Wagner's way of saying "We few illuminated Apostolic-Teachers are the only ones qualified to dispense truth in the new church age." This is an attempt to reduce accountability to others in the Body of Christ on matters of sound doctrine, of which Wagner and others in the New Apostolic Reformation are severely lacking. Even with all his education, Wagner makes hermenuetical errors which are unacceptable. Get back to reading the Bible, not reading INTO it.
most true "theologians' would fit the description of a 5 fold teacher. They establish doctrine for the church. Through history many did this. Athenasus, the 3 cappadocians etc,Most have a gift of revelation from the Holy Spirit to form doctrines correctly.
Doctrine in plain terms is the Bible. The Teachers mentioned in Ephesians do not invent doctrines. They dispense them from the Bible, reinforce them, and draw out of them implications and applications by careful study. 
There is no need for a supernatural "gift of revelation" other than that which is given to every believer in Jesus, being born again and led by the Spirit of God. And the Holy Spirit does not violate the historical and grammatical intent of the scriptures, so that the scriptures cannot have a new meaning which was not there in the first place. 
So much "new revelation" has been responsible for the abandon of Biblical truth, and often the "new revelation" is a result of trying to bring extra-Biblical notions and practices into a Christian worldview which is doing just fine without it. 
All Christians are called to use discernment, which is to compare a teaching with the Bible to see if it is true or false. There is no need for a special gift to do this, just rightly divide the Word of God.

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