Friday, July 13, 2007

On Modern Heresies

I just want to mention one thing which is very important in the issue of confronting aberrant teachings and heresies - The early church since the time of Acts 2 was in a constant state of refuting error and defending the teachings of Jesus. They circulated letters publicly denouncing these errors, and we have these letters as the canon of the New Testament. The NT seems to be solely committed to reinforcing what exactly Jesus did and did not teach. We have no problem with the writers of the NT speaking up against aberrations of Christian doctrine, but somehow we lose sight of this when we criticize those who quote the NT to speak up against similar if not the same heresies being taught in churches today. We are being taught in churches to have faith in our faith (Hagin, Copeland) and unity for the sake of unity (Wagner, Joyner) and that we are little gods creating our own futures by our words (Hinn, Copeland, The Secret). We have lost sight of what the Bible actually says about this stuff, and we castigate the ones who quote scripture to show us that we are off-base. What Jesus prophesied is coming true in this day, that men will call good evil and evil good. 30 years ago, apologists were defending the Church against forces from without - Today they are having to defend the Church against forces from within.

Church Wake Up!

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