Monday, June 28, 2021

The New Fundamentalism

 I just watched a video on YouTube...

Does anyone else see how stupid this is? The level of credence this Humphreys guy is given for all this conspiracy theory conjecture is ridiculous. Rational people can't accept the biblical narrative?

Humphreys gives scholarship a bad name. And I thought Higher Criticism was off the mark! This is the same line of thinking that dismisses the book of Daniel because it has prophecies that are so accurate, "they just can't be true. They have to be interpolations, or written after the fact." 

I guess in this age where being skeptical is the new fundamentalism, it's easy to make a claim and draw a crowd and never have to back up your notions with actual facts and nobody ever questions the rhetoric. Talk about holy men and charlatans! Humphreys is like a shaman to the skeptic. He shows up and bugs his eyes and rattles his bones and all the gullible skeptics just nod their heads. Is this what passes for rationality these days?

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